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Hidden Box - week 3 clues March 10th ― March 16th (or until found) Bay Area Diamond Company Green Bay, WI Hidden Box - week 3 clues March 10th ― March 16th (or until found) Bay Area Diamond Company Green Bay, WI

Hidden Box - week 3 clues

BOX FOUND MARCH 14th at 1:11pm

Hidden Box - week 3 clues
Week 3 Hidden Box was FOUND Tuesday, March 14th at 1:11pm
The box was found at the Viking House at UWGB (

Catch an explanation to the clues below!

Friday, March 10th - Young yet old.
The Viking house has only been established at UWGB since 2017, but it represents a thousand of years of history. 

Saturday, March 11th - This place took a voyage.
The Viking House was constructed in Stratford, Wisconsin, which is about 100 miles from where it currently sits at UWGB.

Sunday, March 12th - Just under 400.
The house is a 14-by-28-foot replica of a Viking house (called a grindbyggning), making it just under 400 square feet. 

Monday, March 13th - Although the location has a Christian foundation, it has no religious ties.
Owen and Elspeth Christianson did the research and built the Viking House and later donated it to the campus.

Tuesday, March 14th - Rivalries
The Vikings are our rivalries… for obvious reasons. 

Our sleuth found it from these 5 clues above!  
These clues are never before seen!⬇️

Wednesday, March 15th - We thought someone wood have found the box by now.
The house is located past Wood Hall parking lot at UWGB. 

Thursday, March 16th - You’ve Scand the whole campus and still haven’t found it? 
The Viking house honors Norway and Scandinavian ways of life. We snuck the word ‘campus’ in because it is at UWGB.

Thank you to everyone who participated! The Hidden Box Challenge is a free & fun way to get people outside, get people moving, and get people exploring the #BayArea.

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